



Reading List for FLLD Ph.D. Candidates

June 2005


The Battle of Maldon




Dream of the Rood

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The Second Shepherds Play

EverymanNoah's Flood

Canterbury Tales




Poetry (Unless specified, all selections are from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of English Literature)

Sonnet and sonnet sequence

Henry Howard (Earl of Surrey)

Sir Philip Sidney  Astrophel and Stella

Edmund Spenser  The Shepherd's CalendarThe Faerie Queene (Books I & II)

John Milton     Paradise Lost

Christopher Marlowe  Hero & Leander

Sir Thomas Wyatt

John Donne


John Milton


Sir Thomas More     Utopia


Christopher Marlowe    Dr. Faustus

William Shakespeare   Romeo and JulietHamletOthelloMacbethTwelfth NightKing Lear

Ben Jonson       Volpone

John Webster    The Duchess of Malfi




John Dryden    MacFlecknoe

Alexander Pope   The Rape of the Lock


Jonathan Swift      Gulliver's Travels

Mary Wollstonecraft    A Vindication of the Rights of Woman


William Wycherley    The Country Wife

John Dryden       All for Love

William Congreve    The Way of the World

Richard B. Sheridan    School for Scandal


Daniel Defoe       Robinson Crusoe

Samuel Richardson    Pamela

Henry Fielding      Tom Jones



Poetry (All selections are from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of English Literature)

William Blake

William Wordsworth

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Lord Byron

Percy Bysshe Shelley

John Keats

Lord Alfred Tennyson

Robert Browning

Mathew Arnold

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Elizabeth Barrett


Jane Austin      Pride and Prejudice

Charles Dickens     Great Expectations 

Emily Bronte   Wuthering Heights

George Eliot    Middlemarch

Charlotte Bronte    Jane Eyre

Thomas Hardy      Tess of the D'Urbervilles


Oscar Wilde    The Importance of Being Earnest

Lord Byron      Manfred

Percy Bysshe Shelley    Prometheus Unbound



Poetry (All selections are from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of English Literature)

Thomas Hardy

Philip Larkin

W. H. Auden

Dylan Thomas  

W. B. Yeats

T. S. Eliot


Joseph Conrad    Heart of DarknessLord Jim

E. M. Forster    A Passage to IndiaA Room with a View

D. H. Lawrence    Women in Love, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Virginia Woolf    To the LighthouseMrs. Dalloway

James Joyce    DublinersA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Graham Greene    The Heart of the Matter

George Orwell    Nineteen Eighty-Four 

John Fowles    The French Lieutenant's Woman

Anthony Burgess    A Clockwork Orange

V. S. Naipaul     A Bend in the River

Salman Rushdie    Midnight's Children

J. M. Coetzee    Life and Times of Michael K


T. S. Eliot    Murder in the Cathedral

John Synge    Riders to the Sea

Sean O'Casey    Juno and the Paycock

George Bernard Shaw    Major Barbara

Samuel Beckett    Waiting for Godot

Harold Pinter    The Birthday Party



Early American Literature (All selections are from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of American Literature)

Anne Bradstreet

Edward Taylor

Jonathan Edwards

Thomas Paine


Nineteenth Century American Literature

Washington Irving    "Rip Van Winkle"

James Fenimore Cooper    "The Last of Mohicans"

Ralph Waldo Emerson  "Nature," "Self-Reliance," "The American Scholar"

Edgar Allan Poe    "The Fall of the House of Usher"

Henry David Thoreau   Walden

Walt Whitman    "Song of My Self"

Herman Melville     Moby-Dick, "Bartleby the Scrivener"

Emily Dickinson     (Selections from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of American Literature)

Samuel Clemens   The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 

Henry James     The Portrait of a Lady , Daisy Miller

Nathaniel Hawthorne    The Scarlet Letter

Jack London    The Call of the Wild

Stephen Crane     The Red Badge of Courage

Kate Chopin   The Awakening



Poetry (All selections are from the current edition of The Norton Anthology of American Literature)

Robert Frost

Ezra Pound

T. S. Eliot  

William C. Williams

E. E. Cummings

Wallace Stevens

Sylvia Plath

Allen Ginsberg

Anne Sexton

Gary Snyder

Robert Lowell

Elizabeth Bishop

Langston Hughes

Adrienne Rich  


Edith Wharton   The Age of Innocence

Sherwood Anderson   Winesburg, Ohio

Ernest Hemingway  The Sun Also Rises 

William Faulkner   Absalom, Absalom!

F. Scott Fitzgerald    The Great Gatsby 

John Steinbeck    The Grapes of Wrath  

Ralph Ellison    Invisible Man

J. D. Salinger  The Catcher in the Rye

Vladimir Nabokov    Pale Fire

E. L. Doctorow    The Book of Daniel

Maxine Hong Kingston    The Woman Warrior

Joy Kogawa    Obasan

Silko   Ceremony

Toni Morrison    Beloved


Eugene O' Neill    Long Day's Journey into Night

Arthur Miller      Death of a Salesman

Thornton Wilder    Our Town

Tennessee Williams    A Street Car Named Desire

Edward Albee    Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


Criticism and Theory

Classical Criticism and Theory (Selections from Critical Theory since Plato, 1992 ed.)

Plato   Republic from Book I, from Book II, from Book X

Aristotle    Poetics

Longinus    On the Sublime

Sir Philip Sidney    An Apology for Poetry

John Dryden    An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

David Hume    "Of the Standard of Taste"

Alexander Pope    An Essay on Criticism

Edmund Burke    from A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful

  Introduction "Of Taste"

Section VII "Of the Sublime"
Section X "Of Beauty"

Section XXVII "The Sublime and Beautiful Compared"

Immanuel Kant    Critique of Judgment

from First Book "Analytic of the Beautiful"

from Second Book "Analytic of the Sublime"

William Wordsworth    Preface to the Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads

Samuel Taylor Coleridge    Biographical Literaria

from Chapter XII, from Chapter XIV, from Chapter XIII

Matthew Arnold    Preface to the 1853 Edition of Poems

"The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"

from The Study of Poetry


Modern Criticism and Theory (Selections from The Norton Anthology: Theory and Criticism, unless marked by * )

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels  from The Communist Manifesto
Sigmund Freud   "The Uncanny"

T.S. Eliot    "Tradition and the Individual Talent"

Antonio Gramsci    "The Formation of the Intellectuals"

Walter Benjamin    "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"

Mikhail M. Bakhtin    "Discourse in the Novel"

Jacques Lacan      "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience"

Northrop Frye      "The Archetypes of Literature"

Roman Jakobson    "The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles"

Roland Barthes     "The Death of the Author"

*J. Hillis Miller     "The Critic as Host" from Deconstruction and Criticism

Raymond Williams    Marxism and Literature  Part 1. Chapter 3 "Literature"

Frantz Fanon      "On National Culture"

Gilles Deleuze and FéLix Guattari    Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature from Chapter 3 "What Is a Minor Literature?"

Jean-François Lyotard     "Defining the Postmodern"

Michel Foucault     "What Is an Author?"

"Truth and Power"

Wolfgang Iser      "Interaction Between Text and Reader"

E. D. Hirsh JR.      "Objective Interpretation"

Jean Baudrillard    from The Precession of Simulacra

*Jacques Derrida     "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences"  from Writing and Difference Trans Alan Bass. London; Routledge, 1978. 278-293.

Fredric Jameson     The Political Unconscious "Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act"

Hélène Cixous     "The Laugh of the Medusa"

Julia Kristeva     from Revolution in Poetic Language

Part I. "The Semiotic and the Symbolic"

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak     "Can the Subaltern Speak?"

*Homi K. Bhabha     "Of Mimicry and Man"  from The Location of Culture

Judith Bulter    Gender Trouble  from Chapter 3. "Subversive Bodily Acts"