
國立成功大學外國語文學系徵聘「助理教授以上」專任教師1名 Faculty Position Announcement Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University




  • 國立成功大學外文系誠徵 「助理教授裡以上專任教師」1名,收件自即日起至1121130()止,一律以電子通訊方式申請,文件不齊者,恕不受理。
  • 申請者應具備法文或法語博士學位,具文學/語言學/語言教學相關背景者尤佳。




  • 本案教師預定113學年度第1學期起聘(11381日,需教授本系法文課程授課,依職級每週至少安排8鐘點課程。
  • 申請必備文件如下:
  • 個人簡歷及著作目錄;
  • 學位證書影本(如係外國學歷請附中譯本,畢業證書及成績單均須經駐外使館認證證明(如已具有教育部助理教授()以上證書者免附駐外使館認證證明)
  • 成績單影本;
  • 教育部大專院校教師證書及教學聘書影本;
  • 學位論文壹本及其他學術著作;
  • 教授或擬開授課程之授課綱要;
  • 推薦函3封。


  • 申請文件請掃描email寄至「em52200@email.ncku.edu.tw」,主旨請註明「應徵外文系專任法語教師」字樣。
  • 審查通過者,本系將另行通知訪談面試及試教,如不克出席視同放棄應徵。
  • 其他問題請洽劉景雯小姐:

電話:886-6-2757575 分機 52274





Faculty Position Announcement

Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University

I. Opening:

1. Full-time assistant professorship and above

2. Field of Specialty: Ph.D. in French. A specialty in literature, linguistics, and TESL is preferred.

II. General requirements

1. Ph.D. degree in the fields specified above

2. Teaching experience at the college level

3. Include areas of expertise or skills you have on resume

III. Obligations

1. Appointment begins on August 1, 2024.

2. Minimum teaching hours per week for 8 with the priority of course assignment given to FLLD French and designated courses.

IV. Required items for material review

1. CV

2. Publication list/record

3. Highest degree certificate (photocopy for initial screening)

4. Official transcript

5. Teacher’s Certificate issued by the MOE of ROC and/or Certificate of Appointment by a university or college (photocopy for initial screening)

6. Ph.D. dissertation and academic publications

7. Descriptions & syllabi of courses or proposed courses

8. Three recommendation letters

V. Application materials should be scanned and sent to FLLD through email (em52200@email.ncku.edu.tw) with a title of “Job application for French Teacher” before November 30, 2023 for initial screening.

VI. Qualified candidates will be informed about an interview and teaching demonstration at the department in Tainan.

VII. Contact information

FLLD website: https://flld.ncku.edu.tw/

Email: em52200@email.ncku.edu.tw

TEL: 886-6-2757575, ext. 52200, 52274

FAX: 886-6-2387730


Both the diploma and the transcript must be certified as authentic by the embassies or missions of Republic of China (Taiwan); however, such certification can be waived if the applicant already possesses the Teacher’s Certificate as Assistant Professor (or above) issued by Ministry of Education, Taiwan ROC. Either English or Chinese versions of the two documents should be provided.

