


一、 有意加選外文系課程者,請自行至外文系網頁(https://www.flld.ncku.edu.tw/)下載加選單

二、 請注意:「A1國際語言」之第二外語課程為「外語中心」開課,欲加簽者請自行參閱外語中心公告與說明。

三、 本系不協助課程棄選或退選,如需棄選課程,請自行於第三階段網路選課系統開放期間(2/26~3/1)自行線上棄選!!!!!!!!


四、 「英文作文」和「英語口語訓練」為外文系必修課程,採分組教學,因特殊需求限本系學生選課,不開放外系學生選課。若有轉系、輔系、雙主修學生有選課需求,請盡早EMAIL聯絡葉助教Isabella處理。

五、 有興趣加簽課程者,請自行詢問授課教師是否開放加簽(外文系教師EMAIL可在外文系網頁上查到:教職員工-專任師資)。有興趣加簽者應出席第一堂課,以免錯過課程或額滿不接受加簽。

六、 若超過教室容量或違反選課相關規定,本系將不受理該課程加簽。

七、 部分課程有擋修或先修規定,請自行留意,違者不予受理。

八、 加簽外文系課程(B2、K2)之加簽單,請送外文系葉助教;

九、 加選外系課程,請事先確認開課單位是否接受紙本加簽單並了解加選規定,若無則應自行於選課系統開放時間上網選課。

十、 A9通識、A7大學國文、A2體育等校共同課程(原則上都不接受加簽),若需選課請務必先查詢開課單位之相關公告及規定。




For those who’re interested in adding FLLD courses(B2 & K2):
Those who'd like to add FLLD courses (B2 & K2 courses) should download the add-course sheet (Please refer to the attached file), fill in the form with correct information, and send it to the course instructor for approval. You’d better attend the first class if you’d like to ask for instructor’s approval to join the class. If the instructor would like to accept you to his/her class, he/she will sign on the sheet and you should send it to Isabella Yeh in the departmental office (Room 26412, 4th floor, Hsiu-chi Building, Kuang-fu Campus) by 17:00 on Thursday, March 7, 2024..
Please note that due to the limit of authority, I may not be able to add the course to the system in time.
If you’d like to drop any course you don’t like or need, please do it online when the system is open to you from February 26 to March 1, 2024(the third phase of online course enrollment).
For those who’d like to withdraw/cancel class in the middle of the semester, the deadline will be May 17, 2024 for this semester.
Thanks for your attention.