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Invited to participate in Ian Haywood's lecture In Taiwan

臺大外文系舉辦Ian Haywood訪台演講,歡迎參加。


Ian Haywood訪台演講

講者:Ian Haywood (President, British Association of Romantic Studies/ Professor of English, University of Roehampton, UK)

4/23() 15:30-17:30

講題:‘Rude Britannia: The Golden Age of Georgian Caricature

地點:國立臺灣大學校史館1樓外文系會議室 (Old Main Library Conference Room, National Taiwan University)

主持人:國立臺灣大學外國語文學系 翁怡錚助理教授 (Prof. Yi-cheng Weng)


4/24() 10:00-12:00

講題:‘What if Frankenstein had been illustrated?

地點:國立中正大學文學院國際會議廳 (College of Humanities Conference Hall, National Chung Cheng University)

主持人:國立中正大學外國語文學系 蔡美玉副教授 (Prof. Mei-Yu Tsai)


4/25() 15:00-17:00

講題:‘Plagiarisms of Dickens and the role of illustration: the importance of Phis

地點:逢甲大學第六國際會議廳 (The 6th International Hall, Feng Chia University)

主持人:逢甲大學外國語文學系 何文敬特聘教授 (Distinguished Prof. Wen-Ching Ho)


*詳細演講資訊,請見宣傳海報。 *若有不盡詳細之處,歡迎來信聯繫人(yichengweng@ntu.edu.tw) *主辦單位:國立臺灣大學外國語文學系 國立中正大學外國語文學系 逢甲大學外國語文學系 *補助機構:科技部



Chi-ming Hung

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

National Taiwan University

Tel: 02 3366 3208

Email: qiming1234@ntu.edu.tw


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