
[CFP] 2019 English Teaching & Learning International Conference

2019 English Teaching & Learning International Conference

July 27 – July 28, 2019

National Taiwan Normal University


Call for Papers


‘Translingual Practice in the ESL/EFL context’


English Teaching & Learning (ETL) is an international refereed journal dedicated to research on the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language. ETL, which is currently indexed in SCOPUS and Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI), is in partnership with internationally renowned Springer NatureETL is calling for submissions to 2019 English Teaching & Learning Conference. The principal theme for this conference is ‘Translingual practice in the ESL/EFL context. Translingual practice—in its many guises as translanguaging, plurilingualism, or metrolingualism—has contributed significantly to our understanding of verbal resources in communicative practice. Challenging traditional understandings of language relationships in multilingualism, which postulates languages maintaining their separate structures and identities even in contact, translingualism looks at verbal resources as interacting synergistically to generate new grammars and meanings, beyond their separate structures. According to this definition, the prefix “trans” indexes a way of looking at communicative practices as transcending autonomous languages. An emergent second definition focuses on the need to transcend verbal resources and consider how other semiotic resources and modalities also participate in communication. Another approach focuses on transcending the text/context distinction and analyzing how diverse semiotic features previously relegated to spatiotemporal context actively participate in communication. A fourth meaning that is becoming significant is how semiotic resources transform social structures. In this case, “trans” indexes “transformation” and challenges understandings of language as regulated or determined by existing contexts of power relations.

In light of the promotion of the use of English as medium of instruction (‘EMI’) and the internationalization of English language education across the globe, there has been a growing interest in multilingual speakers’ utilization of multiple linguistic and semiotic resources in undertaking academic studies (e.g., using L1s in English medium university programmes) and fulfilling responsibilities as academics (e.g., writing for publications in international journals). Language educators and educational policy makers need to consider translingual practices in various education contexts when formulating and implementing language policies to guide curricula development and pedagogical practices in educational settings. This conference welcomes submission of works that appreciate and examine the issue of translingual practice in the ESL/EFL context.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

-        Policy/Practice tensions relating to language in education

-        Teachers’ translingual practices in delivering EM programmes

-        University academics’ translingual practices in academic publishing

-        Students’ translingual practices in academic studies

-        The use of L1s in translingual practices



April 15th, 2019: Abstract deadlines

April 30th, 2019: Notification of acceptance


Submission Guidelines

Your submission should include two MS Word files. One file contains an anonymous abstract with 3-5 keywords, and a title of no more than 12 words. Abstracts submitted should be no more than 300 words in length, single space 12-point font, and limited to two A4 (or US Letter) pages with 1-inch or 2.54-cm margins on all sides. The other file should contain the title of your abstract and personal information of all presenters, including, name, form of address (i.e. Dr., Prof., Mr./Ms., or Miss), country of residence, academic affiliation, and e-mail address. The two separate files should be emailed to etl@deps.ntnu.edu.tw before April 15th.


Further Information

Check our conference website for further information:

